Frequently Asked Questions

Licensing FAQs

Answer: You must complete and submit a Used Motor Vehicle Dealers License Application, along with the appropriate fee and documentation. Before submitting the application, you must obtain an established place of business and must be properly zoned. There must be an appropriate permanent sign at your place of business advertising your business as a used car dealership. Please review the requirements regarding applying for a license.

Answer: You are required to have a used motor vehicle dealer’s license if you sell five or more used motor vehicles in any twelve-month period.

Answer: You must hold a dealer’s license or be affiliated with one, such as a salesperson.

Answer: You will need to contact Louisiana Motor Vehicle Commission at (504) 838-5207.

Answer: Refer to the Fee Schedule for current fees for licensure.

Answer: An auction license are only required if you planning to operate as an auctioneer. You may be considered as a wholesale, dealer, or salvage auction. You must have a licensed auctioneer to conduct the auctions. A dealer’s license is required if you are selling vehicles on an open lot or at an established placed of business.

Answer: New vehicle dealers, or franchise dealers (Ford, GM, Toyota, etc.) are not licensed or regulated by our agency. You must contact Louisiana Motor Vehicle Commission at (504) 838-5207.

Answer: It depends on your local zoning ordinances. Contact your city or county planning & zoning office, local courthouse, or local police jury to determine if current regulations will allow you to operate the business from your residence.

Answer: Yes, you need a used motor vehicle dealer license to sell a vehicle, whether on an open lot, as a broker in an office suite, or on the Internet. Even though you sell through a site on the Internet, you must still meet the requirements for a used motor vehicle dealer.

Answer: Processing time is 14 business days from the date your application, requirements, and fees are received by our agency. Be advised that an application packet is not complete unless all required documents are completed, submitted, and all fees are paid in full.

Answer: You may not legally operate a used motor vehicle dealership without a license.

Answer: The sign used to advertise your business must be of a permanent nature, as opposed to a banner or one along the lines of a real estate sale sign. Your sign must be a minimum size of 16 square feet (4’x4’).

Answer: Joint used motor vehicle dealer operations may be conducted, provided licensees maintain a separate office, inventory, records, and files necessary to conduct business. Each licensee at the location must ensure that the business name in which the license is listed appears on all business documents and vehicles offered for sale by the licensee. Each licensee must also have the required signage and telephone listing in the business name.

Answer: All used motor vehicle dealer licenses are two-year licenses, expiring on December 31st. (See District Map for license year period.) All salesperson licenses are for one year and will expire on December 31st of every year.

Answer: After the dealer license has been obtained, the dealer must visit the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Special Plate Division in Baton Rouge. You may contact them at (225) 925-6371.

Answer: You will need to complete the Information Change Form, including fees and all required documents. (Review requirements for Information Change.)

Answer: Submit an Application for Used Motor Vehicle Dealer License, and check the box for Additional Location. The ownership must be the same as for the primary location. The accompanying documents will be required. A separate bond from your primary location must be submitted. The certificate of insurance must be amended to list the additional location. (Please review the requirements for an Additional Location.)

Answer: Information on how to renew your dealer and salesperson licenses can be found on our web site under License Renewal.

Answer: You must submit the Reprint of License form along with the appropriate fee. Faxed or emailed copies will incur the same cost as a hard copy.

Answer: No, you can only hold one salesperson license. If you change dealerships, you must submit in writing to cancel your license and apply for a new salesperson license.

Answer: You may submit a Request for Withdrawal of Application for Licensure form within 30 days of receipt of the application to our agency for a full refund of application fees to be considered; however, after 30 days, you may receive partial or no reimbursement of fees. We do not refund any fees in the amount of $25 or under.

Answer: You must complete a Notice of Closure Form and submit to our office along with your dealer and salesperson license.

Answer: Yes, every dealer upon transferring a motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, whether by sale, lease, or otherwise, to any person other than a manufacturer or dealer must submit a Monthly Sales Report to the Office of Motor Vehicle. If there are no sales for the month, mark “No Sales” across the report and forward to the Office of Motor Vehicle.

Complaint FAQs

Answer: Verbal complaints are not accepted. A Consumer Complaint Form must be filled out by the consumer and submitted to our agency along with all supporting documentation. You may submit a complaint through the online complaint form, by fax, (225) 925-3869, or mail to the LUMVC, 3132 Valley Creek Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808.

Answer: The Louisiana Used Motor Vehicle Dealer Commission will investigate complaints against independent used motor vehicle dealers in Louisiana. We will also investigate complaints regarding unlicensed practice provided adequate information is submitted with the complaint. We do not have jurisdiction over franchise dealers (Toyota, Kia, Honda, Ford, etc.), and finance companies. We are unable to investigate requests to recover funds for you, or civil matters.

Answer: There is no lemon law for used motor vehicles in Louisiana.

Answer: No, there is no time period during which you can return the vehicle. Your sales contract is binding.

Answer: No. Do not assume a used vehicle has a manufacturer or dealer’s warranty. Most used vehicles are not under warranty for any period of time. Any vehicle sold “as is” carries no warranty. You must pay for any repairs on a vehicle not covered by a warranty. If the seller promises to make repairs to get you to buy a vehicle, make sure you get the promise in writing.

Answer: Test-drive the vehicle and have it inspected by a mechanic. Check the odometer’s mileage accuracy. The mileage for most vehicles must be provided when ownership changes. Vehicles older than 10 years are exempt.

Answer: Verify a dealer’s license status by selecting the link Search for a Licensee on our website.

Answer: Even though it was a used car that you purchased, a franchise or new car dealership is governed by Louisiana Motor Vehicle Commission at (504) 838-5207.

Answer: The dealer has 20 calendar days from the date of the sale to apply for a title in the purchaser’s name and to furnish the purchaser with the proper documents to obtain a tag for the vehicle. Dealers are required to deliver your title within 20 days after purchase. After 40 days from the date of sale, penalty and interest will begin to accrue.

Answer: You should attempt to contact the dealer to demand the title. If you receive no satisfaction from the dealer, you may file a Consumer Complaint with our agency. If the dealer has recently closed operations, you may request to file a claim with our agency or you may need to follow the procedures of obtaining a court order title. See our complaint section.