The Louisiana Used Motor Vehicle Commission (LUMVC)
(Formerly Louisiana Used Motor Vehicle & Parts Commission AND Louisiana Recreational and Used Motor Vehicle Commission)
The Louisiana Used Motor Vehicle Commission (LUMVC) was created by Act 773 of the 1984 Louisiana Legislature on September 4, 1984 and is composed of ten members appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate, which include five (5) used motor vehicle dealers, three (3) consumer representatives, one (1) dismantler and parts recycler representative, and one (1) auction representative. The LUMVC is the authority that licenses and regulates the used motor vehicle industry involving the sale of used motor vehicles. The Commission receives no state General Funds. Revenue is self-generated by licensing fees, auction transaction fees and fines. Chapter 4C Title 32 (R.S. 32:781 – 808) of the Louisiana Criminal Law and Motor Vehicle Handbook sets forth the definitions and general provisions for regulation of the used motor vehicle industry. Currently, there are over 8000 licensees that are governed by the LUMVC which include; used motor vehicle dealers, automotive dismantler and parts recyclers, motor vehicle crushers, rent with the option to purchase dealers, daily rental dealers, auction dealers, used parts and accessories dealers, and salespersons.
A very important function of the LUMVC is the consumer protection component. The LUMVC investigates all consumer complaints regarding the sale of used motor vehicles. In order to effectively enforce and investigate the used motor vehicle industry, there are Compliance Investigators domiciled throughout the state. The Compliance Investigators investigate consumer complaints, routinely conduct lot inspections, and inspect paperwork of dealers to ensure compliance of laws, rules and regulations of this agency, as well as those laws, rules and regulations of the Office of Motor Vehicles. The LUMVC has established a close working relationship with other agencies on the state and federal level. If the LUMVC receives a complaint that does not fall within its jurisdiction, we refer it to the appropriate agency and notify the complainant in writing. Educational seminars are conducted monthly for dealers which reinforce proper procedures and advise methods of remaining complaint with state law.
The LUMVC is committed to providing a high level of professionalism and integrity in all that we do. Our goal is to develop and implement sound practices and procedures that will improve efficiency and productivity to better serve you.